Thursday, June 28, 2012

Aquaponics, Gardening, and Maybe Success

What does sustainability mean to you? Think about it. There are many ways of achieving a perpetual cycle when it comes to living a simple natural lifestyle. When I was growing up in Hawaii, I noticed how resourceful the island community was.

Consider that my father is an old timer going back to the sugar, pineapple plantation era. He knew where to go and how to barter with people for food and services. Often times you will see the farmers and fishermen together trading much of their goods.

This reminded me of what I learned at University of Hawaii Maui College. The ancient Hawaiians had perfect agriculture system that incorporated all the elements of what nature has to offer. It was a called an Ahupua'a. Self sustaining as a conceptual idea that incorporated the basic understanding for interrelationships of nature, daily living, and seasonal changes.

The landscape division is likened to wedge of pie.  From the mountains, you had trees for building, middle land, you had agriculture for your plants (taro or sweet potato), and down to the ocean, you had a natural fish farm and salt harvest.

Stewardship was the responsibility of the communities.  Trade was often the norm to provide for everyone.  Labor and annual taxes where collected by the local overseer to support the chief or king.  Supervision of community labor was within each ahupua'a to regulate activity.  Conservation was by way of the kapu or taboo system and understanding the seasons for animals and plants.

This is just my little contribution of sustainability.  Many today are looking for a way to save money, save the environment, and possibly save their community.  Educating your mind can be beneficial once you understand that this is not a new idea.  It worked in the past and it can work for anyone's future.  Give it a try. Success and happiness to you.  

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